A few weeks ago, I was teaching a sweet girl that trying something is better than doing nothing. Completely afraid of imperfection, just thinking about playing a fun game left tears of failure falling off her face. She was having a tough day because trying something new was hard.
I was not feeling great and also having a tough day. I wanted her to meet me where I was at. Worn out, I wanted to finish the game quickly so we could both go home. Selfish, but true. But what she needed from me was different. She needed me to meet her where she was at to ease her fearful state and give her what she needed to grow. She needed me to teach her how to play.
Her mom and I agreed doing the hard work of learning how to try new things is important. The beauty found in today’s life lived imperfectly would help her live with more joy when she grows up. We knew she would miss so much life she continued to be afraid. We also agreed going home in tears was not the best for her. So I changed strategies. We put the game aside and went outside. While we walked together, I prayed.
We walked into a new space, quietly hoping the change of scenery would help reset both of us. I prayed God would quench my uncharacteristically quick to frustration attitude and asked Him why I felt frustrated in the first place. I asked God to reveal what this sweet girl needed from me. I prayed for Him to calm her heart so she could leave knowing she was loved. I prayed she would find joy in being herself because achieving perfection is impossible. I asked Him to use me to help her. With a lot of kind words and hugs, her tears faded into smiles. She not only loved the game, she met new friends while playing it!
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and He brought them to their desired haven.
— PSALM 107: 28-30
Prayer changes our rhythms. It silences the chaos of the storms surrounding us. In the stillness, we can better hear God guiding us towards our next steps. For me, it was making sure I loved a girl well in the midst of a hard moment. It was choosing to value her more than the task at hand.
Prayer is not just a strategy, it is THE strategy in our Kingdom war.
Prayer gave me access to our perfect Father. In my asking, He silenced the storm of frustration surrounding me so I could love another imperfect soul well despite my own imperfections.
As God's sons and daughters, we have access to Him ALL the time. He is never far away. He is never unavailable. He is always leaning in listening to every word we speak to Him. He is always ready to give counsel and act on our behalf. Physically we are always under His wings. Emotionally, He is never too overwhelmed to hear our words.
As God's sons and daughters, He expects us to ask questions, to seek HIs advice, and to listen to His response. He expects us to pray.
Without prayer, I most likely would have chosen to take control, muscle through the game, and send a girl home feeling upset. Without prayer, a girl would have stayed in a state of distress because of her circumstances. Neither option testifies to the power of God. With prayer, a girl met friends in her hard place and asks to see them every time she visits me. With prayer, a girl now joyfully works without shedding tears as I teach her months later.
Neither of our stories are perfect, but with prayer we both left feeling known and loved: she by friends and family and me by our Father. In our imperfections, we both received His love. She through me and I through Him. We lost our fear and frustration and found the beauty in life lived imperfectly. We found joy because in our imperfection, we could clearly see God’s perfect love for us.
Because God promises us love, not perfection.
Lifting our hands in prayer is our tool for giving up control and believing in the power of God— so our friends and family can be known and loved by The One who orchestrates the movement of this world. As we live life together, here are some ways we can pray:
Before we RISE From bed in the morning:
Ask for eyes to see what lays on the heart of ourselves, our friends, and our family— Is it the celebrations of God or the chaos of the things of this world?
Ask for a mind to know His Truth— In our brokenness, we want God reflected in our conversations as we mingle with our friends, family, and neighbors.
Ask for wisdom to hear 'go' when He says go and 'stay when He says stay— In our desire to love well, we want to move with God to welcome our neighbors, coworkers, and family into community instead of striving to controlling the moment for our good.
While we walk through THE day together:
As we watch our friends and family moving though our homes and communities, ask God for eyes to see whether celebration or chaos lies beneath their surface— so we can extend a hand and speak wisely when our paths cross.
As we stand waiting to for our neighbors and family to come into our living rooms, offices, and sports fields, ask God to guide the timing and words of our next conversation— so we can speak deeper truth into their lives.
As we walk outside to our destinations, ask God to provide eyes to see neighbors working in their yard or a coworker parking their car— so we can greet them with a smile and join them for a conversation.
As we wait for our coworkers and friends to walk in from another room and take a seat, ask God to fill the chairs set before us with His purpose— so they would be surrounded by family and welcomed well as they wait for meetings and meals to begin .