A Big Word for JOB

Occupation is a fancy way for us talk about our job. It encompasses all the things we do that hold value to us. Some are paid and others are not. Some we love to do and other we have to do. Some are work and some are play. Some we do to take care of ourselves and others we do for the good of friends and family. No matter our age, we take part in jobs ALL day long! ALL our jobs are important!

The jobs we need to do

The jobs we NEED to do are the ones that keep us alive and healthy. They refuel our bodies and provide us with the time and resources we need to to the things we want to do. But are not always the most fun to take part in. Then include things like

  • waking up, showering, and eating

  • moving safely around our homes to care for family and roomates

  • getting dressing and interacting with others

  • being active and learning to foster brain and body development

  • going to work or

  • working in our homes

  • sleeping well to restore out bodies

The jobs we want to do

The jobs we WANT to do are the ones that make life fun and enjoyable. The also refuel our bodies and are usually ones that are fun for us to take part in. They encompass whatever your heart loves and your mind desires. Then include things like

  • spending time and doing thinks with family and friends

  • playing with friends and relaxing by yourself

  • pursuing sports, arts, and recreation

  • baking and traveling

  • the possibilities are endless!

the jobs we have to do

The jobs we HAVE to do are the ones we do with the purpose of freeing up our time and resources for the things we like to do. In short, they encompass any work we have to do so we get to play! Then include things like

  • waking up early to bake your favorite snack

  • driving in traffic to play a sport with friends

  • cleaning your house to hose a karaoke party

  • going to work to have money for dinner with friends.


Occupational Therapy is your job partner. Occupational therapists come alongside to help make your NEED TO jobs easier. They can also help you prioritize your HAVE to jobs. With their expertise you can do all the things you need to and have to so that you can GET to do the jobs your WANT to do! No matter your age or stage in life, occupational therapy can come alongside you in your job journey.