Vignettes of Martha


Today I read one of my favorite stories: the story of Martha and Mary. Their story is a short mini series; three 20 minute vignettes that are open and closed in one sitting, each one filled with a life lesson and call to action. I can dig that with the pull of my life in a million different directions each day. Each short, sweet, and to the point. Together you get a big picture idea of what walking with God looks like in the long run.

There is the story of Martha; the overworked and frustrated doer and Mary; the free spirited lady caught up in the moment of the story listener (Luke 10: 38-42). There is the story of the two sisters wanting to have their brother brought back from death, a mourning Martha greeting Jesus, asking Jesus from help, and calling Him her Messiah and Mary weeping, unable to speak the words ‘please help’ out to her buddy, Jesus (John 11: 1-44). There is the story of Martha serving Jesus well, to thank Him for all He has done for her family and Mary saying with her actions, anointing Jesus with perfume, that she believes Jesus is her Savior (John 12: 1-8).

I can relate to Martha in every vignette…

Maybe it is because Martha is one of Jesus’ best friend's and Jesus continually chooses to hang out with her, visit her home, and love her family. I find this reassuring in my life. I am a doer and…. big drum roll please…. from time to time an over-doer just like Martha. It is easy for me to see I am so much like a Martha. Jesus loved Martha a ton and He’s just got to love me a ton too. We just have to be best friends too!

Maybe it is because in my human frustration, I’ll ask for help selfishly like Martha, kind of passive aggressively, kind of demanding, usually expecting others to figure out what I need without actually saying a word. Often my heart is in the right place but my execution is so off base my intentions are lost along the way. Without fail, Jesus gives His grace again (and again and again) guiding me to act more like Him when I ask for help…usually that means using words and speaking with kindness in my voice.

Maybe it is because I talk to Jesus like Martha- saying, “You could have [saved my brother] [helped my friend] [given me every green light on the way to work] [etc.], but I trust you, love you, and believe in you. Have at it and do Your thing.” As a side note, I also imagine she was constantly talking with Him, jumping from one thing to another; apologizing for being distracted and at the same time excited to be given the honor of being trusted with being a part of so many pieces of His work each day.

Maybe it is because I love serving. Martha loves serving. In every vignette, she is serving. You can’t say her name without thinking serving. Sometimes we do it well and sometimes we flounder like one of those African killifish flapping in a puddle trying to make it back to sea, hoping we don’t land in the middle of the desert along the way. Either way, Jesus is there cheering us on, or telling us stop floundering, sit with Him and rest for a minute.

No matter which way, I just love Martha!