Running Home
Easter is a handful of days away. Like most other parts of our lives this year, we are unsure of what this day may look like in our homes, churches, and communities. But even in the uncertainty surrounding us, Easter remains the day where we hope in the good promised to come and in the good already here. It is still the cornerstone of our faith. A day where we stand in confidence knowing we get to give our best to the world because Jesus gave His best to us.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
As a servant King, Jesus gave of Himself on the cross and as He walked to the cross. Moving through His last days on earth, He gave by:
Praying to His Father. Jesus asked God to take His pain away as He prayed on the Mount of Olives. God gave Him the strength to walk confidently through His last steps on earth.
Being a presence to the hurting. Jesus healed the ear of a servant. He spoke to weeping women as soldiers led Him to the cross. He was on mission and His cause was not lost.
Advocating for those around Him. Jesus listened to the story of the thief hanging beside Him. He asked His Father to forgive and open the doors of heaven for him.
Then, Jesus hung on the cross. With His last moment on earth,
He gave the world His best.
He loved all creation by giving us His life so we can live in community with His Father for eternity. Jesus beyond loved us and we get to live in His Family beyond forever!
As servants of Our King, we are called to the same:
To give the world our best.
Our best looks different these days. Many have been sent into to our homes. Some have been sent into the frontlines of workplaces. Church buildings are closed. We say hello without handshakes. We open doors with elbows instead of hands. We walk at a distance rather than running to give others a good hug.
But even in this different world, we can still stand sure of what we hope for. Even though we are not able to see God’s movement in our church buildings this Easter, we can still be His servants who give our best in our homes, communities, and workplaces.
God is the light in our homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces. Pray His light shines through the darkness and we get to be that light. Pray for God to reveal our best talents, gifts, and possessions so we can give them away. The best relationship is the one we have with Jesus. Pray boldly we give this one away.
Be with the people God has placed in front of you. Make phone calls and porch drop offs. Go outside and start conversations. Listen to the stories of neighbors, friends, coworkers, and family. All of us will need something different as we move through new rhythms. Move with grace. Even though our actions and others reactions may be different than usual, His steadfast love endures forever.
Make sure your people are heard and seen. None of us know how to navigate this. The rules have changed, but we can still move confidently towards our community and give our best welcome. We can be the initiators of spreading His Truth through our words and actions. We may not be able to shake hands, but we can look people in the eye, say hello, and ask intentional questions. We can serve wherever God calls us to serve Him.
In these days where this world feels uncertain, our generosity still matters. We can still give the world our best. We are not stuck at home. We are running to our eternal home. The one we confidently hope for. The one we cannot yet see. In love, we give away. We give away the best we have because we faithfully believe the best is yet to come.